Welcome Carl
2nd February 2017
The latest recruit to Furness Mark Lodge No 36 is Carl Hallows. In the craft Carl is a member of Baldwin Lodge No 1398 which meets in his home town of Dalton in Furness.
Stuart Brackstone, Carl Hallows, Bill Glassey, Dave Sear, Kieron Mullan and Brian Davey
Until recently Carl had held one of the most demanding, vital and important posts in this ancient capital of Furness – he carried the rank of “Ale Taster”. Wearing his official sash it was his onerous task to visit each public house in the town twice a year and then submit a report on his findings whilst identifying what, in his opinion, was the best ale. To help him in his work each tavern was obliged to provide him with a free half pint of beer on each visit.
However after three years Carl was obliged, (the words dragging and screaming come to mind!), to hand over the reins to his successor. But such is his commitment to his work that he continues to conduct tests and express his views albeit it is now at his own expense! A lesson in dedication for us all I feel.
With WM Barry Fitzgerald not being able to be present Bill Glassey took the reins for the evening.
John Myers and Ian Cottam
Keiron Mullan had seconded Carl for advancement and it was somewhat appropriate that he undertook the first part of the ceremony. Fellow Baldwin Lodge member Brain Davey enacted the second part whilst another Baldwin member in Dave Sear completed the ceremony from that part following the presentation of the badge and jewel.
Special representative Stuart Brackstone was on hand to congratulate Carl and present him with a letter of welcome from the Provincial Grand Master.
It was also the business meeting of the lodge. It saw Ian Cottam elected as WM for the coming year in what will be a return visit to the chair and John Myers re-elected as Treasurer.
It will be a busy 12 months for Ian as he has recently accepted appointment as Provincial Grand Senior Deacon for next year. In addition on the night there were two propositions for advancement which should see Ian fully employed during his time in the chair.
Bob Herbert, Carl Hallows and Darren Stainton
Carl has proved an active member of Baldwin Lodge and no doubt Furness Mark Lodge will benefit from his enthusiasm for Freemasonry. He, along with Darren Stainton who proposed his advancement, is greatly involved with running of the bar and functions at Dalton in Furness Masonic Hall.
Words and pictures by Dave Sear